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Animal Party on Pet Life RadioDeborah Wolfe, host of Animal Party on Pet Life Radio

Deborah Wolfe
Animal Expert and Trainer
Bestselling Author, Columnist
Award Winning Radio and T.V. Host

The Complete Cat’s Meow

Darlene Arden ...............

Darlene Arden

Animal good news from Japan plus Deborah welcomes Darlene Arden with a quiz in cat talk and Darlene passes both cat calls translating correctly. She does speak cat and her book will help you understand, raise, and care for your cats with better insight. Teach them to play piano, do basic dog tricks and more advanced fun like agility plus solve bad kitty manners and behaviour issues.  Do you train a cat like a dog?  Darlene explains the differences and says ‘Cats are easier to train than dogs’. Learn the truth about widely believed cat myths.  Do you hug pets? You may not after this show. Darlene answers two email cat behavior questions including one signed Farty Yoga Cat plus litter box advice and tips for moving with older cats. 

Darlene says don’t spray water at cats on counters, kittens aren’t for grandma, and she describes how to teach a lashing out cat not to pick on the youngest child.  During the answer Darlene states ‘cats remember every thing’.  Deborah knows the cat pheromone diffuser spray works and she tells funny stories about spills and accidents with her 7 or so cat household.  Find Darlene Arden and her group ‘Rover Get off Her Leg’ & Darlene Arden, Author on Facebook, petxpert on twitter and Darlene Arden on where you can also find Deborah Wolfe.  animaldeb on twitter and deborah Wolfe, Pet  Expert on Facebook, but  for one stop where you can get all of Deb Wolfe’s latest work, Check out the newborn puppy pics, wildlife photos, favorite doggie and kitty videos, blogs and links (with no junk mail ) when you join the pack for free at

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