Beverly Isla

Beverly Isla on Pet Life Radio

Beverly Isla's love of animals and especially her compassion for abandoned dogs led her to realize a commitment to apply her knowledge of holistic care and bring more awareness to the responsibilities of pet owners.  With a background in journalism, freelance writing, marketing, alternative medicine and natural product consultant, Beverly was able to take her strengths and apply them in helping animals. She began as a pet owner herself, leading to fostering rescued dogs. She saw first-hand how rescued dogs can transition with just a bit of proper rehabilitation and attention, spending countless hours reaching out to dog professionals for tips and advice as well as designing and distributing flyers of her foster dogs. 

Beverly's venture 'Save A Pooch' aims to provide a marketplace where dog professionals and rescue dog enthusiasts can build a community and share their best tips to keep a rescue dog happy and healthy. also provides pet businesses and professionals with media awareness and access to industry influencers who can help deliver an ethical message on animal and pet care.