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The Pet Doctor, Your Pet Health Matters on PetLifeRadio.comBernadine D. Cruz, DVM, host of The Pet Doctor

Bernadine D. Cruz, DVM

Veterinarians Helping the World…
One Animal at a Time

Dr. Jessica Vogelsang on Pet Life Radio

..Dr. Jessica Vogelsang

Animals impact the lives of people throughout the world in myriad ways…they provide companionship, transportation, muscle for work and their bodies for food, fiber along a host of other products. Keeping them healthy is not only important for their wellbeing but also for people who interact with them directly or not. A group of dedicated veterinarians, lay public and companies are making a difference in the world community…one animal, one person at a time.  My guest is Dr. Jessica Vogelsang, spokesperson for World Vets.

Questions or comments? Email Dr.Cruz at:

Transcript will be available shortly.


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