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Wynn With Dogs!Raquel Wynn, host of Wynn With Dogs

Raquel Wynn
Certified Personal Trainer
Animal Massage Therapist

Adopt a Pet!!!....

Janice Brown on Pet Life Radio..........

Janice Brown


Today's show should inspire you dog lover's to spread the word about pet rescue and adoption!  There are over 7 million shelter/rescue pets ready to be adopted each year, unfortunately almost half of them are put to death.  That's over 3 million pets.  Join me as I speak with Janice Brown, founder of Tails Magazine, and the force behind "Letters for Pets", a letter-writing initiative asking President Obama to issue a presidential proclamation declaring April 30th National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day.

Whether you want a specific breed or a mutt-mix, a puppy or an adult, I guarantee the right adoptable dog is out there for you.  Take the time to impact and shift our current perspective on pets and get involved in this amazing campaign.  Want more education on the subject (and many others)? Check out this podcast, or any of the links included, it's your chance to win with dogs!

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Transcript will be available shortly.

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