Mink, Novel Coronavirus and Mink Medicine: A Conversation with a Mink Veterinarian Dr. John Easley

Dr. Courtney Campbell on Pet Life Radio

Over the summer, Dutch authorities announced that mink may have transmitted the novel coronavirus to a worker at a mink farm in the Netherlands. This was believed to be the first concrete evidence of a different species passing the novel coronavirus to a human.  Since then, six countries have identified the novel coronavirus at mink farms and scientists believe hundreds of people have been infected by mink.

Culling of the mink has been recommended for public health considerations resulting in the tragic loss of many mink. This episode aims to understand the issues regarding infectious disease, how these precious creatures are cared for. and protected by veterinarians, and the urgent One Health zoonotic implications of the novel coronavirus transmission from mink to people.  Dr. John Easly helps me sort out facts from fiction regarding the latest news on mink medicine.


John is a 1981 graduate of Michigan State University College of Veterinary Medicine. John focused on dairy medicine until his semi-retirement in 2005. Since that time he has spent his time doing some dairy work and also in the mink industry as a veterinary consultant. He has been on the Fur Commission USA Board and other consulting boards. John lives in rural Glenbeulah with his wife, Jamie. They have two sons and a variety of critters.
In his semi-retirement, John enjoys hunting, fishing, racing motor cycles, and just being outdoors. He has participated in the Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa event with his son.