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Arden Moore
The Pet Edu-Tainer
Pet expert and best-selling author

Ghost Cats & More with author Dusty Rainbolt

Dusty Rainbolt

Dusty Rainbolt

A tingling interview with Dusty Rainbolt, author of "Ghost Cats" and more! Dusty's writing genre encompases Science Fiction, humor, short stores, cat product review and paranormal mysteries. When Dusty isn't slaving away at her computer or talking on her cell phone, she frequently is running around the house with a litter scooper, cleaning out cat boxes. This is her primary form of exercise these days.



Voice 1: You're listening to

Voice 2: There's nothing like a shaggy dog, baby. They're shagadelic, and this is the place to find out how to achieve harmony in a household with your pets. Yeah, peace, harmony, pet power.

Holy Shih Tzu, baby! You'll learn how to keep your pets from chewing your shoes, or eating your cat. It's all about relationships, baby; you and your pet. So tune in, turn on, and get ready for the positively grooviest pet podcast on the planet. Ooh, that's a lot of "P"s, baby, isn't it?

Voice 3: What's this show called?

Voice 2: "Oh, Behave".

Voice 3: No, really; what's this show called?

Voice 2: "Oh, Behave", with your shagadelic host, Arden Moore. What's happening, Arden? Yeah, yeah, yeah, you can tell it's him.

Arden Moore: Welcome to the "Oh, Behave" show. I'm your host, Arden Moore. Today, our special guest is a very good friend of mine, and of felines everywhere. She is Dusty Rainbolt. She hails from North Texas.

For all those who love all things fur, she has written a number of books about cats. She's also the product editor of "Catnip Magazine", which means she has the delightful job of testing all these products to make sure they are safe, fun, and interactive for our cats.

First of all, Dusty, welcome to "Oh, Behave".

Dusty Rainbolt: Oh, well, thank you. I hope that I'm well-behaved today.

Arden Moore: Oh, that's OK if you're not. We can get away with it.

[Dusty Rainbolt laughs]

Arden Moore: So we're going to take a little break, and we'll be right back. We're talking to Dusty Rainbolt. She is the author of "Ghost Cats"; and also, a brand new book--the ink is still drying--and it is called, "Cat Wrangling Made Easy", which seems to be a nice, natural topic, if you hail from Texas.

We'll be right back.


Voice 2: Would you like to go out?

[dog barks]

Voice 2: Well, actually, I was talking to your owner. I meant on a date, baby. Yeah, you and me.

[dog whines]

Voice 2: Oh, behave! We'll be right back, after these groovy, shagadelic messages. Oh, yeah.


Voice 2: We're switched back on, baby. Yeah! So let's talk pets with our smashing host, pet edu-tainer, Arden Moore, and the groovy show that's cool, baby, really shagadelic: "Oh, Behave!!"

Arden Moore: Welcome to the "Oh, Behave!!" show. I'm your host, Arden Moore. As I mentioned, we have a great guest. Her name is Dusty Rainbolt, from North Texas.

She is going to feature a couple of books that she just wrote. One is called "Ghost Cats: Human Encounters with Feline Spirits". Waaa. That one is pretty scary, as you can tell.

We're also, though, going to talk more about a real scary reality. And that's what do you do if you've got multi-cats in your home, and they're not being very sweet to one another. They're having a little bit of feline feuding, if you will.

For that, she has a new book, just hot off the press. It is called, "Cat Wrangling Made Easy: Maintaining Peace and Sanity in Your Multi-Cat Home". It is published by the Lions Press.

So Dusty, welcome to the show.

Dusty Rainbolt: Well, thank you. I've looked forward to this.

Arden Moore: [laughs] Tell me a little bit about the Rainbolt household. I mean, obviously, you have more than one cat. I think what I'd like to do is have you first tell our listeners what made you think about a book called, "Ghost Cats".

And it's, by the way, awesome. For all those of you looking for great holiday gift ideas now, or throughout the year, please pick up "Ghost Cats", and "Cat Wrangling Made Easy".

OK, I just did a shameless promotion for you. Take it away, Dusty.

Dusty Rainbolt: The reason I got involved in the "Ghost Cats", is because I had a foster kitten who had to be put to sleep while I was out of town.

About a month later, I was awakened in the middle of the night, and I felt something jump up in bed, walk across--you could feel the little pawprints--and he lay down on top of my feet.

Arden Moore: Oh, my gosh. What was the kitty's name?

Dusty Rainbolt: His name was Maynard. He had a condition called, "water on the brain". He was hydrocephalic. A friend of mine had to put him to sleep while I was gone.

Anyway, I was wide awake. I was looking. There was nothing there. Then when I finally fell asleep, and woke back up, he was gone. It never happened again.

Arden Moore: Oh, wow! That sends a chill up my spine, and down my cat's spine, too; if you will. You know, a lot of people are like: "yeah, right; yeah, right", but you did a lot of research for this, didn't you, on this book?

I can just imaging getting a call from Dusty, saying: "Hey, I'm writing a book called, "Ghost Cats". Can you share any freaky, eerie, spooky stories about any kind of extraterrestrial cats that you know?"

I'd be like: "What?"

So tell me, how did you even get the research on this, and also be able to charm a publisher?

Dusty Rainbolt: Well, actually, the publisher came to me. They knew that I knew cats. They knew I had an interest in ghosts, and they knew that I also had an interest in animals, so it was the perfect marriage.

But I put a call out for stories on the Internet, and amazingly... I couldn't believe... I would tell people, and they would say: "Oh, I had a ghost cat."

It was amazing how many people actually experienced it, and were willing to talk about it.

Arden Moore: Wow. Can you share a couple of stories from the book? Again, we're talking to Dusty Rainbolt. The book is called, "Ghost Cats: Human Encounters with Feline Spirits". It is published by the Lions Press.

All right, go ahead.

Dusty Rainbolt: Well, I have a confession. It is not really a scary book. There are a few stories that will leave you scratching your head, or give you a chill down your spine, but it's not going to be "Boris Karloff scary".

Arden Moore: OK.

Dusty Rainbolt: But the scary stories tended to revolve around children, because they have a different way of looking at things than adults.

OK. My favorite story is about a cat named Grungy.

Arden Moore: OK. Tell me about Grungy. Tell me a little bit about Grungy.

Dusty Rainbolt: OK. Grungy belonged to a family in Oakland, California. The woman who experienced Grungy was an evangelical chaplain, and she worked with hospice patients.

Anyway, Grungy... Her son-in-law's... Oh, I screwed up.

Arden Moore: That's OK. Go ahead.

Dusty Rainbolt: OK. Her son's mother-in-law was dying of cancer.

Arden Moore: I mean I get confused on that, too. That's a hard one to say.


Dusty Rainbolt: OK. Anyway, the mother-in-law was dying, and so she went to be with the family, to be the "mom", to be the hospice worker, and Grungy would come and sit in her lap.

Well, one day, they went to visit Dorothy, the dying woman, and Dorothy slipped into a coma.

Arden Moore: Uh oh.

Dusty Rainbolt: Well, four hours later, Dorothy came out of the coma.

Dorothy's daughter said: "Mom, where were you?"

And she said: "Oh, I was having tea with my sister, Elaine, and Grungy was there."

Arden Moore: Whoa!

Dusty Rainbolt: The daughter said: "Whoa, Mom. Your sister, Elaine, is dead, and Grungy's alive, so you must have been dreaming."

She said: "No, dear, I was not dreaming. This really happened. I was having tea with Elaine, and Grungy was there."

Well, you know, you can't argue with her.

Arden Moore: No.

Dusty Rainbolt: But when they went home that night, Grungy was dead in the street. He had slipped out the door.

Arden Moore: Oh, my gosh.

Dusty Rainbolt: And Dorothy knew before anybody else. Dorothy died a few days later, but Dorothy knew something we didn't know.

Arden Moore: Pahpahpahpommm... I have to tell you folks: I have read her book, "Ghost Cats". It's not very often that I have a book on my nightstand that I actually get to read and enjoy. I do have to keep the lights on when I'm reading it, but I think what you've done is just amazing research, and the writing is really, really good.

To get people to feel comfortable enough to be able to share their stories... I don't know about you, Dusty, but I think we're just really just touching the surface, if you will, about this feline mystique, if you will, about cats.

Is there another favorite story you'd like to share?

Dusty Rainbolt: Well, there's a funny one.

Arden Moore: OK.

Dusty Rainbolt: It's called "The Phantom Litterbox".

Arden Moore: No poop scoop spooks. [laughs]

Dusty Rainbolt: Yeah, poop scoop spooks.

Arden Moore: OK.

Dusty Rainbolt: Anyway, there is a travel section in there, so if you would like to go to a place that's haunted by ghost cats, there are actually about 10 stories there.

Arden Moore: OK. All right, folks. You're listening to Dusty Rainbolt, author of "Ghost Cats", and she's telling you about this amazing place, if you want to get the chill, the thrill, of being around a haunted cat place.

Dusty Rainbolt: Also, the aroma.

Arden Moore: [laughs] That's right. We're talking about "The Spook Litterbox" story, from "Ghost Cats".

Dusty Rainbolt: Well, this one family moved into a house that had belonged to a woman who had 10 cats. After she died, apparently she and some of the cats decided they wanted to hang around.

Well, this one area in the main section of the bed-and-breakfast occasionally is visited by the aroma of a freshly used litterbox.

Arden Moore: [laughing] Now that's place; that's the kind of place I'd want to book a reservation.

Dusty Rainbolt: I'm all about it. I want to go there, too. The gentlman whom I interviewed said that he actually has guests who walk past it, and all of a sudden, you smell that smell.

Arden Moore: Yes.

Dusty Rainbolt: But you know, it's kind of hard to scoop, and cover it up, because you don't have an ectoplasmic litter scoop.

Arden Moore: That's true. This is phantom poop. Right?

Dusty Rainbolt: Phantom poop. And just like a normal litterbox, after about three or four minutes, the smell goes away.

Arden Moore: Aren't you glad we're not on smell radio, or something?

Dusty Rainbolt: Smellevision.

Arden Moore: [laughs] Smellevision. All right. That sounds great. Tell me a little bit about when you were doing this book, what was going through your mind, as you got some people willing to share some stories.

How do you look at cats now? You've had cats all your life, and some of them have gone on to the rainbow bridge. Do you feel like you've got this kind of "soul train", if you will, up in the clouds, that are your little feline pals up there?

What are your thoughts about all this?

Dusty Rainbolt: For a long time, I wasn't sure. I always thought that there would be some type of an afterlife for the kitties. As it turns out, there are so many people who had these stories, it would be unbelievable for it not to happen.

Arden Moore: That's right. Now, how can people get a copy of your book, "Ghost Cats: Human Encounters with Feline Spirits"? It's published by the Lions Press. This gal I'm speaking with is Dusty Rainbolt, the author.

Dusty Rainbolt: You can pick it up at any Barnes and Noble. You can also buy it at, or get it at most major book stores. And let me say, it would make a really good Christmas present for your friends. Since we're already past Halloween, don't worry about that. It's a book of comfort, and a lot of people have found that, after they've lost a pet, they actually feel better, and look forward to a possible reunion.

Arden Moore: The book has this amazing color cover that has this one eye of a cat, making up the "o" in "Ghost Cats". If I may share with you, on the back, it says: "Strange and inexplicable visits from the other side. People who have spent a lifetime observing and interacting with cats will say that these amazing animals seem to possess powers supernatural, psychic, or otherwise, that we can only begin to comprehend, but are they able to return from the grave, as well?"

That's the tease on the back of the book. It's a great book.

I hope that you get more spirits, if you will, because I would love to see a sequel to this. It's a great book, Dusty, and my paws are doing a big "paws-up" for you, for that.

Dusty Rainbolt: Thank you.

Arden Moore: We're going to take a break, and we're going to go to Part Two of the Dusty Rainbolt show, because not only does she know ghost, and phantom kitties, she also knows the real, furry ones quite well.

She has written a number of books, including "Kittens For Dummies". We're going to talk to her in the second part of the show about her new book, hot off the press: "Cat Wrangling Made Easy: Maintaining Peace and Sanity in Your Multi-Cat Home", because, as all of you who have more than one cat know, sometimes there is not harmony in the household.

So stay tuned. We'll be right back.


Voice 1: Would you like to go out?

[dog barks]

Voice 1: Well, actually, I was talking to your owner. I meant, on a date, baby. Yeah, you and me.

[dog whines]

Voice 1: "Oh, Behave!!" will be right back after these groovey, shagadelic messages. Oh, yeah.


Voice 1: You're listening to, baby, yeah.


Voice 1: We're switched back on, baby, yeah, so let's talk pets with our smashing host, pet edu-tainer, Arden Moore, and the groovey show that's cool, baby; really shagadelic: "Oh, Behave!!"

Arden Moore: Welcome back to the "Oh, Behave!!" show. I'm your host, Arden Moore. We have our special guest, Dusty Rainbolt, author of "Cat Wrangling Made Easy: Maintaining Peace and Sanity in Your Multi-Cat Home".

I love the word, "wrangling", but it's only appropriate. After all, Dusty does hail from North Texas.

Dusty Rainbolt: [drawling] That's right, and I grew up on a ranch in South Texas. But I really don't talk like that.

Arden Moore: No, no. And I have to confess, I have a little Texas blood in myself, too. I don't have the Texas nice-charm accent, or [xx] accent, but my dad's side of the family grew up in Grapevine, Texas, between Dallas and Fort Worth.

Dusty Rainbolt: About 10 minutes from me.

Arden Moore: Oh, there you go. I love going to Texas. My sister, Deb, lives in--guess what, folks--Dallas. Yes, that's right; the "D" and the "D". You can put that one together in another show.

Deb is a very serious auditor who loves her pets, and so I love going to Dallas, and the Dallas area.

You guys still have a lot of cafeterias, right?

Dusty Rainbolt: Oh, yeah.

Arden Moore: What's the deal with Texans and cafeterias?

Dusty Rainbolt: Well, we have more McDonald's now, but there's a bunch of them.

Arden Moore: Oh, my gosh. I used to these pecan tarts with my grandma, in line at these cafeterias. It's kind of a big deal there, huh?

Dusty Rainbolt: Picadilly?

Arden Moore: Oh, Picadilly. Yeah, Picadilly, and Piggly-Wiggly, right?

Dusty Rainbolt: No, that's a grocery store.

Arden Moore: Oh, that's a grocery store, but I like the name, "Piggly-Wiggly".

Dusty Rainbolt: It sounds like it should be a restaurant.

Arden Moore: You know, for many of us, we're blessed to have, not one, but more than one cat in our home. They're sort of like Jay's Potato Chips, at times, and with that, becomes a lot of fun, but it also can become a lot of frustration.

That's why I'm very happy that Dusty's a guest on our show today, because she just wrote the book, "Cat Wrangling Made Easy".

What's the purpose of this book? I mean, I would think cats would all get along, right?

Dusty Rainbolt: Oh, yeah. They all get along; they just don't all get along well.

Arden Moore: [laughs] Or with each other.

Dusty Rainbolt: Yeah, with each other, and sometimes that causes problems with the humans in the house. It also causes problems with the carpets in the house. Then you have a situation like the "phantom litterbox", except it's always there. [laughs]

Arden Moore: Yeah, it's the real stinkola. I don't know about you, but I don't want anybody to ever come into my multi-cat household, and the first thing they say is [sniffs]: "Oh, you have cats!"

I don't want that happening, and I don't want my cats to be interior decorators of the worst kind, by clawing my furniture, or leaving their little pee-email, or poop presents in other places.

After all, when cats aren't really feeling happy, they can't write you a nasty note, can they? There's no cat hate-letter, right?

Dusty Rainbolt: Well, I guess it's not actually hate-mail, but it is smell mail, instead of snail mail. We think that cats and dogs are the only ones who mark, but you think about it: people mark, too.

Arden Moore: What do you mean? You've gotten my cat curiosity up.

Dusty Rainbolt: Well, go to any area that has a lot of gangs, and you're going to see gang grafitti.

Arden Moore: Oh, that's true. Yeah. What do they call that, when they mark the...?

Dusty Rainbolt: Tagging.

Arden Moore: Tagging, yes.

Dusty Rainbolt: It's called tagging. We talk about tagging, both human and feline.

Arden Moore: In the book?

Dusty Rainbolt: Oh, yeah.

Arden Moore: OK.

Dusty Rainbolt: But I mean, humans have been known for tagging for along time. You've got prehistoric tagging, and during World War II, there was Kilroy.

I go into a little history of Kilroy, and who he was, and why he did what he did. "Kilroy was here" has been on the Eiffel Tower.

Arden Moore: Really?

Dusty Rainbolt: Yeah.

Arden Moore: "Kilroy was here"; viva la France. Wouldn't you say it would be "Kilroy AEC"?

Dusty Rainbolt: No, because it's an American thing.

Arden Moore: I was just trying to impress my high school friends.

Dusty Rainbolt: OK. Say it again?

Arden Moore: Kilroy AEC, which means "Kilroy was here".

Dusty Rainbolt: I think Americans marked a lot of things in English.

Arden Moore: Yeah, I'm sure, I'm sure.

Dusty Rainbolt: But it's also been at the top of Mount Everest.

Arden Moore: Oh, my gosh.

Dusty Rainbolt: "Kilroy was here" has even been written in the moon dust.

Arden Moore: Really? Which one of those little astronauts was up to no good?

Dusty Rainbolt: According to the astronauts, it was already there.

Arden Moore: Oh, good answer; good answer. I like astronauts who have a sense of humor. They can be too serious at times.

The book is "Cat Wrangling Made Easy". I know that there are about 90 million cats lucky enough to have homes in America's households. That means that there are some places that have more than one cat, right?

The guest on our show today has a few tips on how to help these furry roommates get along a little bit easier.

Dusty Rainbolt: First of all, I have to have plenty of space. That doesn't mean you have to have a big yard, like you do with a big dog.

You don't even have to have a big house, but you do have to set up individual little territories, so that everybody can feel like they have their own little place, and they feel safe and comfortable.

You also want to set up different feeding stations and different litter boxes, so that nobody can hog all the assets.

Arden Moore: Oh, yeah. Let's say you had three or four cats in your household, right? That means if you strategically position a litterbox in a different locale, then the bully cat can't be sitting there, lying in wait for the kitty that needs to have a bladder that has to splatter, right?

Dusty Rainbolt: That's exactly right. Unless he has a clone, he can't guard them all at the same time.

Arden Moore: OK. Good to know. So that's one clue. The other thing is feline amenities. You want to make sure that there are little stations. What do you mean by that?

Dusty Rainbolt: Again, it comes back to having the assets, if you want to call them that, all over the house. The beds, but primarily, the litterboxes and the food.

Arden Moore: OK. So what you're trying to do is take away the possibility of having a feline feud over resources. Just like us, I guess. If we were stripped of our cell phones, and our DVD players, and all our amenities, and there was only one hamburger left, we would get our primal instincts in a hissy, too, right?

Dusty Rainbolt: Well, yeah. Think about the old days, when we had one-television homes. You had Dad, who wanted to watch sports; and you had the kids, who wanted to watch the cartoons; and Mom wanted to watch the soaps.

Arden Moore: Right.

Dusty Rainbolt: Well, OK, you have a territorial problem.

Arden Moore: Right.

Dusty Rainbolt: It's basically the same with cats. It manifests itself more in food, and litterboxes. You also want to make sure they have their own little place to sleep, and everybody feels safe.

If they feel safe, and they don't have to worry about where they go, and getting beaten up, then everybody's much happier.

Arden Moore: That sounds great. We're talking to Dusty Rainbolt. She is a cat expert, and the author of "Cat Wrangling Made Easy". You may also see her byline a lot in every issue of "Catnip", the newsletter, because she does this amazing job each month on reviewing different products for cats.

I can just imagine what your home must look like in North Texas. I want to be a cat, and I want to live with you, because you must have some amazing amenities for felines.

Dusty Rainbolt: Right now, I'm testing products for senior cats. I have all these staircases in the middle of the living room.

Arden Moore: You must have a very understanding husband.

Dusty Rainbolt: I have a very understanding husband. He's also my photographer.

Arden Moore: There you go. He is living proof that real men love cats.

Dusty Rainbolt: You bet.

Arden Moore: So you've got these things for senior cats in you living room?

Dusty Rainbolt: Uh huh. And some of the steps are pretty big.


Dusty Rainbolt: Right now, we're using one of the boxes as a table so we can fold our clothes on it.

Arden Moore: She has test cats that are official members of the "Catnip" newsletter, who, each month, are willing guinea pigs--if that's such a cool term for a cat--who test the products, and give a paws-up, or a paws-down. Correct?

Dusty Rainbolt: That's correct.

Arden Moore: So we're talking with Dusty Rainbolt. She also wrote "Kittens for Dummies". I'm trying to let people know. Go Google "Dusty Rainbolt".

Earlier in the show, we talked with her about "Ghost Cats", so everything that's about the feline, she's the woman you need to go take a peek at, and to read her books. She does an amazing, great job.

I want to talk a little bit about some of the cat wrangling. What happens when cats aren't happy in a household, and there are more than one of them, and they're starting to have some hissing and... well, I guess, pissing?


Arden Moore: Right?

Dusty Rainbolt: Well, we have a chapter called "The Pissing Contest", and it gets back to humans, because humans actually do that. Google "pissing contests" and you'll be surprised.

Cats will begin to mark, and they'll miss the litterboxes.

Arden Moore: And [xx] scratching [xx].

Dusty Rainbolt: Absolutely. It's their way of dealing with stress, and saying: "This is my territory."

They'll also start scratching the furniture, which is also a marking behaviour. Then they'll begin to become aggressive. It's just not a good situation.

Arden Moore: You've lived with cats all your life. Do you feel sort of like you're the mediator of the feline world? You're probably like the Henry Kissinger, aren't you, when it comes to brokering a deal of: hey, can't we all just get along here? Can you share a couple of situations in your own household, and how you were able to remedy a couple of cats that weren't being the best of friends?

Dusty Rainbolt: Sometimes, you just have to set up completely different territories, and keep them entirely separate. Screen doors are wonderful.

Arden Moore: Oh, really?

Dusty Rainbolt: Oh, yeah.

Arden Moore: OK. Tell me about that.

Dusty Rainbolt: If you have a cat that's aggressive to another cat, you can set up the different territories. You've got the litterbox, you've got his food, you've got his toys, you've got his bed. He's a happy camper. There's a screen door, so he doesn't have to worry about the bully coming in and beating his tail off.

Arden Moore: OK. So they can sort of see each other, but with a safe division?

Dusty Rainbolt: Exactly. Sometimes, after doing that for a while, you can even reintroduce them.

Arden Moore: OK. Would you recommend at all, when you have a situation like that, after a few days switching their rooms, so that cat "A" is now in the cat "B" place; and cat "B" is back in cat "A"s place, to share their scents? Does that help at all?

Dusty Rainbolt: Absolutely. Another thing that's very helpful is, if you have them on either side of the door, start giving both of them pea-sized pieces of turkey; like deli turkey.

Arden Moore: You mean like a little thumbnail piece?

Dusty Rainbolt: Well, pinkie nail. We're not talking about Rottweilers; we're talking about cats.


Arden Moore: OK.

Dusty Rainbolt: But they only get it when they're in the presence of the other cat.

Arden Moore: And when they're being nice.

Dusty Rainbolt: And when they're being good, because, after all, this show is called "Oh, Behave!!".

Arden Moore: Yeah, absolutely.

Arden Moore: OK. All right. That's good.

Dusty Rainbolt: You may notice that the aggressive cat actually starts to hang around the other cat, because it's like: "Is it time for my treat?"

But he only gets it in the presence of the guy that he's been tormenting.

Arden Moore: OK. So the point here is, if I'm a cat, and I love the good treats, I'm thinking: "All right, I get what they're doing, and I get the idea, but at least you're being consistent."


Dusty Rainbolt: Right.

Arden Moore: That seems to be the trick with cats. I think if you didn't give a treat when they were behaving by each other, that would foil your attempt at peacemaking, right?

Dusty Rainbolt: Consistency is always important. You can't have one person doing one thing, and another one of the owners doing something else.

Arden Moore: In your research for "Cat Wrangling Made Easy", have you found that male cats seem to be bigger bullies, or females; or are there certain breed tendencies that seem to be kind of the Leon Spinx of felines? Come on, baby, I'm gonna box your ears!

Dusty Rainbolt: Some cats are a little bit more agressive. I think Bengals are a little.

Arden Moore: Bengals?

Dusty Rainbolt: Yeah.

Arden Moore: Cats can be bullies because they're also being fearful, right?

Dusty Rainbolt: That's exactly right. There's a fear aggression. If something happens, and the cat believes that another cat is responsible, he'll be aggressive toward that cat.

If you don't take care of that situation when it first occurs, to make them friends again, then they may be lifelong enemies.

Arden Moore: I have to tell you folks that I feel very, very feline fortunate that my two cats, Callie and Murphy, who both were plucked from the streets at different times... One is 13, the other one is 8, but they were both youngsters when I got them.

They get along great, but I've noticed that they do a little bit of time-sharing. Callie will insist on having the perch on the cat tree in my office in the morning, and then somehow... They wear little kitty watches, I swear. In the afternoon...

Dusty Rainbolt: Shift change.

Arden Moore: Shift change. Murphy gets that spot without a single hiss from Callie. What's this deal with time-sharing and cats? Do you know?

Dusty Rainbolt: Well, they were the original time-sharing [xx].

Arden Moore: Oh, really?

Dusty Rainbolt: Yeah. Time-share real estate. You bet.

Unlike dogs, there's not a dominant cat. It's situational dominance. You described it perfectly. One will occupy a bed or a window sill. Usually it's the more dominant cat. Then when the day moves on, and the sun is no longer in the window, he'll vacate it, and the other cats will come and take it. You can almost set your watch by it. It's amazing.

Arden Moore: We are talking with Dusty Rainbolt. She is a best-selling pet author who has two new books out there, so she has strong typing fingers, like I do.

The first book is "Ghost Cats: Human Encounters with Feline Spirits"; a great book idea for the holidays. And the second one, which to me, would be something very practical for any of you listeners who have more than one cat in your home. It is called "Cat Wrangling Made Easy".

Both these books are through the Lions Press. They're available at a zillion places, including; Barnes and Nobles, and a lot of the major book stores.

Dusty, how do people learn a little bit more about you? Is there anything else you'd like to add at this point?

Dusty Rainbolt: They can go to my website

Arden Moore: All right, that sounds great. Go ahead.

Dusty Rainbolt: Oh, also, if anybody wants to send me their dog, horse, or cat ghost stories, I'd love to hear them.

Arden Moore: OK. Great. You're listening to Dusty Rainbolt, and she is offering you the chance to share some of your spooky, spiritual, and eerie tales of dogs, cats, and other critters from the beyond. You can reach her at

That's it for our show today. Dusty, I want to thank you very much for being a guest on my "Oh, Behave!!" show.

Dusty Rainbolt: Well, thank you for inviting me.

Arden Moore: I want to take this opportunity, as well, to thank my very cool cat producer. For any of you listening, I ask that you tune in to the show, visit We have a whole lineup of great hosts and great shows. You can get a transcript of this show, if you'd like. Until next time, this is your flea-free host, Arden Moore, sending just two words to all you two-, three-, and four-leggers out there: "Oh, Behave!!"


Voice 1: There's nothing like a shaggy dog, baby; they're shagadelic. And this is the place to find out how to have harmony in the household with your pets. Oh, yeah! So stop by our pad every week, and get switched on, baby; switched on to the show that's all about attitude, "Oh, Behave!!", with your groovey host, pet edu-tainer Arden Moore. Yeah, baby, yeah. Every week, on-demand on




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