“The Whole Dog, Trauma Included" - With Roman Gottfried, Holistic Behavior Consultant

Isabel Alvarez Arata  on Pet Life Radio

Roman Gottfried is a holistic behavior consultant. In this episode, Isabel asks him about holistic dog training, what is considered holistic and what is not. They discuss how dog training should include the whole dog, considerations about any trauma the dog may have experienced, and managing triggers to help the dog reach its full potential. Roman is a complex trauma survivor and has applied his journey toward healing to his approach to helping dogs and their families. He tells us how dogs in the wild do not experience trauma and what he uses to address dog trauma and dog training. This is an episode Isabel hopes will reach all dog owners because she believes that understanding the commonalities we share with our dogs, how life experiences shape all species, and how we can help each heal other promises to improve the lives of dogs and people everywhere.


Whether it's a new or old problem, aggression, disobedience, or seemingly crazy behavior, Roman Gottfried's unique approach gets to the heart of the matter in the first session and then trains YOU to reprogram your dog's understanding of the world, which leads to the behavior you wish for, without the constant struggle. Change happens naturally and quickly. Roman is known around the world as the holistic human/canine relationship coach who changes lives, who guides dog owners to finally solve even the most complex challenges, and whose intuition and unique approach transforms people (and dogs) even in the very first session. In fact, he guarantees it.