Pet Biz Wiz

Isabel Alvarez Arata  on Pet Life Radio

Dom Hodgson is known as the UK's - and maybe the world's - leading pet business coach. He mentors pet industry business owners from around the world and has written various books on dog training and business growth. In this episode, Isabel invites Dom to play two games that help us learn more about this dynamic and straightforward business coach. He shares how UK pet owners are different from US pet owners and gives us a peek into his next book, which will teach business owners how to "Disnify" their pet businesses.


Dom Hodgson was born in Sunderland, in the North East of England, in January 1978. He left school at 16 and began a career as a singer and dance teacher before getting a 'proper job' as a sales rep for a tobacco company. 10 years later he fancied a change and launched a dog adventure business called Pack Leader Dog Adventures. From there he got into dog training which eventually led to his online and offline dog training program and the launch of his Amazon bestselling, highly acclaimed book 'How to Be Your Dogs Superhero'. The year after Dom penned Walk Yourself Wealthy, which shows pet business owners how to turn their passion for pooches into a profitable business.

In 2018 Dom wrote his third book 'Worry Free Walks: How to transform your dangerous, difficult and devilish dog into a problem-free pooch that you're proud to take to the park. The latest book 'Worry-Free Walks' is the first in a 5 book series that aims to fill the knowledge gap for dog owners who love their dogs dearly, but have no control over them. He lives in Sunderland with his wife Beth, two sons, Alex and Toby, and Barry (the Dogue de Bordeaux) and Sidney (the Cocker Spaniel). He loves red wine, ballet, HBO, cheese, baking bread, and chillaxing at the park with his dogs and a Jack Reacher book.