Black Cats & Pets in Spirit

Isabel Alvarez Arata  on Pet Life Radio

Unfortunately, black cats have become a symbol of Halloween, putting them in danger of being hurt (or worse) for ritualistic or superstitious reasons. In this episode and in honor of National Black Cat Appreciation, Isabel speaks with cat lover and holistic cat practitioner, Pam Roussell of Purrfectly Holistic. Pam, like Isabel, is an advocate for educating the public on the beauty of black cats and the dangers associated with the many damaging myths and legends that have been handed down throughout history.

Pam and Isabel play a game called "Black Cat Mythology," in which they discuss black cat myths from around the world. They also discuss the pet afterlife in a game Isabel calls "The Afterlife" and share their belief systems surrounding our beloved pets' passing, whether or not they go to heaven, and more. As an animal communicator that receives visits from four of her cats that have passed, Pam tells us how they check in and why. Don't miss out on this awesome Halloween-themed episode and join us in advocating for black cats everywhere. Cheers!


After spending 36 years in the fitness industry I have moved full-time into holistic wellness for pets and pet parents. I currently oversee all the day-to-day operations including marketing, bookkeeping, blogging, sales, client consultations, content creation, and holistic health services. Proudly now a board-certified natural health practitioner, I incorporate lots of tools including muscle testing, homeopathy, herbal medicine, flower essences, herbal self-selection, phototherapy for stem cell production, animal communication, Reiki, and overall holistic health care mainly for cats but also a few dogs. I love my role as an educator helping pet parents provide a more holistic approach to their pets' health and well-being.