Tick Mitt – Tick Protection for People & Pets

This week Michelle Fern tackles ticks with Tick Mitt father-daughter founders, Steve & Olivia Abrams.  The Tick Mitt was designed to brush off the ticks after any outdoor activity. Now there is a simple and highly effective way to brush ticks off after any activity in nature-bring the Tick Mitt and do random sweeps on you and your pet and before you go indoors. Ticks attach themselves to clothes, fur and hair and work their way in, to get to the skin.  The Tick Mitt brushes ticks off before they migrate to those areas. With summer approaching you’ll definitely want to hear this episode!

Listen to Episode #322 Now:


00:00:02.200 --> 00:00:03.520
Announcer: This is Pet Life Radio.

00:00:03.920 --> 00:00:05.040
Announcer: Let's talk pets!

00:00:15.113 --> 00:00:17.973
Michelle Fern: Hello, pet lovers, welcome to Best Bets for Pets.

00:00:18.013 --> 00:00:19.893
Michelle Fern: I'm your show host, Michelle Fern.

00:00:20.213 --> 00:00:28.233
Michelle Fern: All right, we're getting near summer, although this is not just for summer, but we're getting near summer, and summer means bugs.

00:00:28.253 --> 00:00:36.793
Michelle Fern: So this next product is going to be so helpful for those of you that spend time with your dog outside, which is just about everyone, right?

00:00:36.813 --> 00:00:38.473
Michelle Fern: Because they have to do their business outside.

00:00:38.753 --> 00:00:41.133
Michelle Fern: So hey, stay tuned, we'll be right back.

00:00:43.433 --> 00:00:49.653
Announcer: Hey, pet parents, ever wondered how to safely bring the great outdoors inside and connect your indoor pets with nature?

00:00:50.073 --> 00:00:56.913
Announcer: Meet Pet Greens, the pioneers in organic live cat grass, catnip and treats powered with green nutrition.

00:00:57.433 --> 00:01:03.733
Announcer: Discover the healing properties of wheatgrass, packed with nutrients and gentle green fiber to support digestive health.

00:01:03.993 --> 00:01:06.813
Announcer: Pet Greens helps your pets truly thrive inside.

00:01:07.293 --> 00:01:12.153
Announcer: Check out our full range of live cat grass, catnip and treats at petgreens.com.

00:01:12.513 --> 00:01:14.013
Announcer: That's petgreens.com.

00:01:16.173 --> 00:01:19.313
Announcer: Let's Talk Pets on petliferadio.com.

00:01:28.512 --> 00:01:29.752
Michelle Fern: Welcome back, everyone.

00:01:29.772 --> 00:01:38.632
Michelle Fern: I wanna welcome Olivia Abrams and Steve Abrams, daughter and father, and they are the developers of Tick Mitt.

00:01:38.712 --> 00:01:40.272
Michelle Fern: Welcome, Olivia and Steve.

00:01:40.552 --> 00:01:42.112
Olivia Abrams: Hi, nice to be here.

00:01:42.132 --> 00:01:43.252
Steve Abrams: Nice to be here too.

00:01:43.472 --> 00:01:49.812
Michelle Fern: I mentioned summer because summer means bugs, and I live in a tropical place, Fort Lauderdale, so that means bugs all year.

00:01:49.932 --> 00:01:54.272
Michelle Fern: But are ticks just for summer, spring and summer, or are they all the time?

00:01:54.532 --> 00:02:01.652
Olivia Abrams: Ticks actually are around all year long, as long as temperatures aren't consistently below freezing.

00:02:01.672 --> 00:02:05.972
Olivia Abrams: So you can have ticks in December, as long as temperatures are warm enough.

00:02:05.992 --> 00:02:11.812
Olivia Abrams: So it's really important to stay protected to ticks all year round, especially if you live in warmer climates.

00:02:11.832 --> 00:02:15.572
Olivia Abrams: So if you live in the south, you definitely have ticks all year round.

00:02:15.592 --> 00:02:19.892
Olivia Abrams: And the Northeast, I'd say 10 out of the 12 months are considered tick season.

00:02:20.192 --> 00:02:37.132
Michelle Fern: Yep, and the thing with ticks is people think that you won't get into any ticks unless, you know, you go in the woods, like when I live in Los Angeles, unless I was in the dog park that was up in the hills and the canyons, I, you know, I was okay, you know, to be tick free, but that's not always the case.

00:02:37.612 --> 00:02:42.012
Michelle Fern: And in Fort Lauderdale, just walking my dog, I've come across ticks.

00:02:42.532 --> 00:02:49.512
Michelle Fern: They are hard to spot and they are definitely trouble when they become embedded, but we'll get to that later.

00:02:49.852 --> 00:02:53.832
Michelle Fern: First, can you tell us why you created the Tick Mitt and what it is?

00:02:54.832 --> 00:03:01.872
Olivia Abrams: So we created Tick Mitt because both my dad and I have had Lyme disease and we've always had really big dogs.

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Olivia Abrams: We currently have Pony Corsos and they would go outside and they would bring the ticks back into the house with them.

00:03:09.172 --> 00:03:17.712
Olivia Abrams: And after experiencing Lyme disease, we were always really cautious about being bit again and getting Lyme disease and also our dogs getting sick.

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Olivia Abrams: So we wanted to create a product that would help us remove the ticks from ourselves and our pets before coming inside.

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Olivia Abrams: So we didn't have to worry about ticks on our couch or finding ticks crawling on us after we've already been indoors.

00:03:30.992 --> 00:03:33.932
Steve Abrams: Right, and the product is prior to them in bedding.

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Steve Abrams: So we want to prevent the bites before you have an opportunity to get diseases.

00:03:39.012 --> 00:03:42.172
Michelle Fern: Okay, and I'm sorry to hear about the Lyme disease.

00:03:42.192 --> 00:03:47.272
Michelle Fern: And that's a great point because people think, okay, they're not going to bother me, but they do.

00:03:47.292 --> 00:03:50.332
Michelle Fern: They do go after as well as your fur bits.

00:03:50.632 --> 00:03:56.932
Steve Abrams: But I wanted to address what you talked about a little earlier about being in Fort Lauderdale and the dog park and the hills.

00:03:57.292 --> 00:04:06.572
Steve Abrams: The reality is, even in New York City, if you've never been out of the city, but you go to a dog park, you don't know that everybody else there might have been walking in the country themselves.

00:04:06.592 --> 00:04:12.312
Steve Abrams: The dogs sniff each other, they're around each other, and they're going to pick up the ticks anyway, whether you go into the country or not.

00:04:12.492 --> 00:04:15.752
Steve Abrams: So you're never fully protected, even if you're a city dweller.

00:04:15.932 --> 00:04:21.252
Olivia Abrams: So actually, Lyme disease is the number one vector borne disease in America.

00:04:21.332 --> 00:04:25.952
Olivia Abrams: And what vector borne disease means is that it has a host, like a tick.

00:04:26.252 --> 00:04:37.552
Olivia Abrams: And ticks can go on to dogs, people, birds, squirrel, really anywhere that you would find wildlife, there is likelihood that there are ticks.

00:04:37.872 --> 00:04:49.812
Olivia Abrams: And the tick population is only increasing as climate change is increasing, because the temperatures are getting warmer, and there are ticks that are dying in the wintertime anymore.

00:04:50.292 --> 00:04:51.852
Michelle Fern: Okay, that's not good news.

00:04:52.252 --> 00:04:59.852
Michelle Fern: And Steve, with what you said before about your dogs can get it anywhere, I'm in the suburbs, but Mr.

00:04:59.872 --> 00:05:03.072
Michelle Fern: Zeus, he's since gone on to doggy heaven, and so is Mr.

00:05:03.092 --> 00:05:04.932
Michelle Fern: Nicky, but they were older.

00:05:04.952 --> 00:05:08.212
Michelle Fern: And you took them to dog parks when they were younger, but not when they were older.

00:05:08.432 --> 00:05:20.072
Michelle Fern: And they both had ticks, just from being walked in the neighborhood close around, just my grass, because it was hot out, and you don't walk dogs in the heat, just in my neighborhood, I would find them.

00:05:20.092 --> 00:05:29.492
Michelle Fern: So yeah, you can't close your eyes to these things and say, oh, I'm in the city, or I don't take my dog to the dog parks, they won't get anything, because it happens.

00:05:29.852 --> 00:05:36.612
Steve Abrams: Yeah, I mean, recently we were at a CUD show, in Edison, New Jersey, it was a retail expo.

00:05:36.892 --> 00:05:38.392
Steve Abrams: We spoke to a lot of people.

00:05:38.792 --> 00:05:44.772
Steve Abrams: And one of the things I heard a lot is, I've only seen three or four ticks on me, it only takes one to get sick.

00:05:44.952 --> 00:05:51.012
Steve Abrams: So even though you're not in a heavily ticked population area, even one is problematic.

00:05:51.632 --> 00:05:52.392
Michelle Fern: Absolutely.

00:05:52.652 --> 00:05:57.392
Michelle Fern: So let's talk about, so the Tick Mitt works before they become embedded.

00:05:57.732 --> 00:06:01.352
Michelle Fern: So how long do you have before the tick becomes embedded?

00:06:01.532 --> 00:06:08.872
Olivia Abrams: So it can take up to a couple of hours of a tick crawling on a person or a dog to actually embed.

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Olivia Abrams: It is possible that it happens sooner, but on average, it can take longer than a few hours.

00:06:15.292 --> 00:06:27.072
Olivia Abrams: So our invention, Tick Mitt, is a product that removes the ticks from yourself or your dog or your cat or your pony, whatever kind of animal you have, before they embed.

00:06:27.092 --> 00:06:37.312
Olivia Abrams: So by simply swiping the Tick Mitt all over your skin, your clothes or your dog and cat's fur, you're able to remove the ticks before they have the chance to latch on.

00:06:37.572 --> 00:06:43.612
Olivia Abrams: And it's not until the tick actually latches on where they are able to transfer diseases.

00:06:43.632 --> 00:06:50.912
Olivia Abrams: So by removing them pre-embedding, you're reducing the likelihood of ticks passing diseases onto you and your pets.

00:06:51.372 --> 00:07:01.412
Steve Abrams: So speaking of embedding, you could also wipe your bed down and your couch because if your dog sleeps with you or is on your furniture, they're gonna be walking around.

00:07:01.432 --> 00:07:04.912
Michelle Fern: Ew, and yep, okay, makes a lot of sense.

00:07:05.012 --> 00:07:06.872
Steve Abrams: There's a big ooh factor to this.

00:07:06.972 --> 00:07:09.512
Olivia Abrams: We'd like to say it's gross and effective.

00:07:10.632 --> 00:07:14.412
Michelle Fern: Well, you know, the thing is, I mean, you can't close your eye to these things.

00:07:14.432 --> 00:07:27.192
Michelle Fern: And if you have a dog or if you have any fur, babe, or even two legged, you're used to ewes and gross, you know, because that's how things come out of them that you don't wanna see, or off them you don't wanna see.

00:07:27.552 --> 00:07:29.932
Michelle Fern: So how does the Tick Mitt work?

00:07:29.952 --> 00:07:31.432
Michelle Fern: So you just said you swipe it.

00:07:31.712 --> 00:07:33.732
Michelle Fern: There's something special about the mitt.

00:07:33.952 --> 00:07:43.752
Michelle Fern: I, Terry, won't get into how, you know, it is, but just fits over your hand, and then I can just wipe all over my dog's body or mostly the paws, certain areas?

00:07:44.132 --> 00:07:45.132
Steve Abrams: Not mostly the paws.

00:07:45.152 --> 00:07:48.812
Steve Abrams: You definitely wanna get in the head, neck, and the whole body, and the ears.

00:07:48.832 --> 00:07:50.892
Steve Abrams: That's where they seem to gravitate.

00:07:51.372 --> 00:07:54.892
Steve Abrams: Tick Mitt works on the paws similar to Velcro.

00:07:55.372 --> 00:07:57.052
Steve Abrams: So Ticks have a lot of hooks.

00:07:57.392 --> 00:08:02.392
Steve Abrams: This is a microfiber with a specific loop length that's now under patent or patent pending.

00:08:02.852 --> 00:08:14.112
Steve Abrams: We worked for many years with an engineer and a tick scientist in the lab conditions, 15 iterations with a factory to get it right so that we have the most effective product.

00:08:14.412 --> 00:08:17.472
Steve Abrams: So this is not just something we said, oh, let's make a mitt.

00:08:17.812 --> 00:08:20.632
Steve Abrams: We really developed this over the course of four or five years.

00:08:20.652 --> 00:08:32.652
Steve Abrams: Only went to market last year after we felt that it was perfected in a way that was good for all size ticks, because you have the nymphs and you have the larger ticks, and we needed a fabric that can cover all bases.

00:08:33.252 --> 00:08:36.792
Steve Abrams: So we're very comfortable that this product works effectively.

00:08:36.812 --> 00:08:40.572
Steve Abrams: I'm not going to tell you on this podcast or anywhere else that it's 100%.

00:08:40.972 --> 00:08:45.272
Steve Abrams: It's probably going to get you 90, 95% with a few swipes.

00:08:45.712 --> 00:08:53.712
Steve Abrams: I would recommend going back 15 minutes later and maybe swiping again, because some of the ticks might gravitate more towards the head and ears at that point.

00:08:54.252 --> 00:09:03.172
Steve Abrams: And then of course, like anything else, you have to be vigilant and just make sure you're always on the lookout, regardless of the effectiveness of our device.

00:09:03.572 --> 00:09:14.432
Olivia Abrams: So after you've been outside, you simply swipe the Tick Mitt all over yourself, all over your dog's body, like my dad said, paying close attention to the ears, the face and the shoulders.

00:09:14.872 --> 00:09:19.472
Olivia Abrams: And after you find ticks on the mitt, it comes with a mesh dryer bag.

00:09:19.732 --> 00:09:24.732
Olivia Abrams: So simply throw the mitt in the dryer bag, in the dryer on high heat for 10 minutes.

00:09:25.072 --> 00:09:28.092
Olivia Abrams: Heat and alcohol are the only two things that kill ticks.

00:09:28.112 --> 00:09:33.712
Olivia Abrams: So by putting the Tick Mitt in the dryer, you're able to kill the ticks, shake them off the mitt, and then you can use it again.

00:09:33.732 --> 00:09:35.272
Steve Abrams: And you never have to touch them.

00:09:35.472 --> 00:09:37.072
Michelle Fern: Okay, so what about...

00:09:37.092 --> 00:09:41.072
Michelle Fern: And I know that my listening audience is probably thinking about this.

00:09:41.412 --> 00:09:43.372
Michelle Fern: The Tick Mitt goes into a mesh bag.

00:09:43.532 --> 00:09:45.272
Michelle Fern: Do the ticks fall out of there?

00:09:45.372 --> 00:09:48.532
Michelle Fern: Because then you're thinking, okay, I'm gonna have ticks in my dead tick bag.

00:09:48.552 --> 00:09:53.172
Steve Abrams: No, the mesh bag was designed with tolerance to not allow anything out of it.

00:09:53.372 --> 00:10:00.292
Steve Abrams: We worked again with our team to make sure that there's no tick size that can leave the bag until they're dead.

00:10:00.512 --> 00:10:04.032
Steve Abrams: Then you can unzip it and then just shake them out into the garbage.

00:10:04.372 --> 00:10:07.352
Michelle Fern: Okay, we're gonna take a short break and then ask some more questions.

00:10:07.372 --> 00:10:08.372
Michelle Fern: So we'll be right back.

00:10:11.192 --> 00:10:12.852
Michelle Fern: Hey everyone, Michelle Fern here.

00:10:13.172 --> 00:10:16.612
Michelle Fern: Are you looking to enhance your pet's health, wellness and longevity?

00:10:16.832 --> 00:10:21.752
Michelle Fern: Since they can't communicate their feelings directly, ProsperK9 can help bridge the gap.

00:10:21.992 --> 00:10:27.932
Michelle Fern: Their simple cheek swab tests allow you to monitor your dog's health and well-being effortlessly.

00:10:28.232 --> 00:10:35.572
Michelle Fern: At ProsperK9, they use cutting edge technology to analyze genetics, breed and the ground breaking field of epigenetics.

00:10:35.812 --> 00:10:45.972
Michelle Fern: This means you can understand how your dog is aging, how stress affects them and even their oral health status, which helps you stay ahead of conditions like gingivitis and bad breath.

00:10:46.272 --> 00:10:49.252
Michelle Fern: Take proactive steps towards your dog's health today.

00:10:49.412 --> 00:10:55.752
Michelle Fern: Visit ProsperK9 and order your test kits to start making informed decisions for your furry friend's well-being.

00:10:56.192 --> 00:11:01.332
Michelle Fern: Enter Best Bets and get 10% off all products at prosperk9.com.

00:11:01.712 --> 00:11:04.912
Michelle Fern: Prosper the letter K in number9.com.

00:11:10.092 --> 00:11:11.132
Announcer: On Pet Life Radio.

00:11:11.152 --> 00:11:11.932
Olivia Abrams: Pet Life Radio.

00:11:23.912 --> 00:11:24.853
Michelle Fern: Welcome back, everyone.

00:11:24.873 --> 00:11:29.013
Michelle Fern: We're talking to Olivia and Steve Abrams, daughter and father.

00:11:29.033 --> 00:11:31.013
Michelle Fern: They're the creators of The Tick Mitt.

00:11:31.433 --> 00:11:37.493
Michelle Fern: So we talked about how to use The Tick Mitt, and we had some great information from both of you.

00:11:37.853 --> 00:11:42.633
Michelle Fern: What about if you have dogs that are, you know, little small dogs?

00:11:42.653 --> 00:11:44.853
Michelle Fern: What about long hair, short hair?

00:11:45.093 --> 00:11:46.293
Michelle Fern: Does it work for cats?

00:11:46.953 --> 00:11:49.073
Olivia Abrams: It will work on any surface.

00:11:49.093 --> 00:11:56.653
Olivia Abrams: So for a longer or short hair dog, you simply would go back and forth against the fur and with the fur.

00:11:56.893 --> 00:12:10.473
Olivia Abrams: With a longer hair dog, you can do more of a grabbing motion all throughout the fur in order to make sure that you're not just getting the top where the ticks might start, that you're actually getting deep into their fur.

00:12:10.493 --> 00:12:17.473
Olivia Abrams: So by doing a grabbing motion, you're able to get the ticks that might go closer to the skin before they embed in a longer hair dog.

00:12:17.833 --> 00:12:28.133
Steve Abrams: To Olivia's point, the reality is the mitt picks up ticks off of any surface, be it your skin, your dog, yourself, your couch, basically anything.

00:12:28.373 --> 00:12:34.073
Steve Abrams: As long as you wipe the mitt over the tick, the tick will adhere to it, and that's the way we designed it.

00:12:34.473 --> 00:12:41.433
Michelle Fern: So I've seen a lot of products out there on the market, and they're usually with ticks that are embedded.

00:12:41.873 --> 00:12:52.173
Michelle Fern: Not that many products prior to the ticks becoming embedded, which is probably why you decided to design the Tick Mitt, because you can get it before they become embedded.

00:12:52.773 --> 00:12:55.573
Michelle Fern: What do you do if they become embedded?

00:12:55.773 --> 00:12:57.453
Michelle Fern: Go to another product, right?

00:12:57.473 --> 00:12:58.873
Steve Abrams: That's a whole different product.

00:12:58.893 --> 00:13:01.013
Steve Abrams: That's something we are working on.

00:13:01.353 --> 00:13:05.173
Steve Abrams: Hopefully, we're going to become an ecosystem for all tick issues.

00:13:05.413 --> 00:13:07.893
Steve Abrams: But right now, there are a number of products on the market.

00:13:08.713 --> 00:13:09.853
Steve Abrams: Some of them are tweezers.

00:13:09.853 --> 00:13:11.313
Steve Abrams: Some of them are little...

00:13:11.653 --> 00:13:14.873
Steve Abrams: There's many ways you can do it, or there's a few ways you can do it.

00:13:14.893 --> 00:13:17.033
Steve Abrams: That's not something we really concentrate on right now.

00:13:17.053 --> 00:13:17.833
Steve Abrams: We're preventative.

00:13:18.293 --> 00:13:18.893
Steve Abrams: And you're right.

00:13:18.913 --> 00:13:23.513
Steve Abrams: We're the only product on the market that removes loose ticks prior to embedding.

00:13:24.473 --> 00:13:27.113
Michelle Fern: And I've had to remove them embedded before.

00:13:27.133 --> 00:13:28.973
Michelle Fern: Yeah, there are a lot of different products.

00:13:28.993 --> 00:13:29.793
Michelle Fern: There's a key.

00:13:30.073 --> 00:13:35.173
Michelle Fern: There's also some liquid type of product that I used before that worked really well.

00:13:35.333 --> 00:13:35.673
Steve Abrams: Right.

00:13:35.713 --> 00:13:37.073
Steve Abrams: We've heard crazy stories.

00:13:37.093 --> 00:13:40.233
Steve Abrams: Some people burn them with a match head or a cigarette.

00:13:40.513 --> 00:13:41.153
Steve Abrams: It's crazy.

00:13:41.853 --> 00:13:43.673
Olivia Abrams: You should not do that.

00:13:44.013 --> 00:13:46.173
Michelle Fern: Well, you don't want to burn them on your dog, of course.

00:13:46.533 --> 00:13:48.593
Michelle Fern: And even to light them on fire.

00:13:48.613 --> 00:13:50.613
Michelle Fern: I mean, that's not...

00:13:50.633 --> 00:13:53.893
Michelle Fern: You probably have heard a lot of customer stories.

00:13:54.033 --> 00:13:55.333
Michelle Fern: So can you share some with us?

00:13:55.713 --> 00:14:03.333
Steve Abrams: I think one of the things that Mitt does very well is we've heard a number of stories of people and their dogs finding nests.

00:14:03.693 --> 00:14:08.313
Steve Abrams: And when your dog fixes muzzle of a nest, you can come out with 50 or 100 ticks on them.

00:14:08.793 --> 00:14:13.813
Steve Abrams: And we've heard a number of stories, especially at this Pet Expo, of this happening.

00:14:14.113 --> 00:14:19.073
Steve Abrams: We've heard of dogs bringing in pregnant ticks and the ticks giving birth in the people's homes.

00:14:19.253 --> 00:14:23.153
Steve Abrams: I mean, we've heard some really disgusting stories along the way.

00:14:24.013 --> 00:14:27.053
Steve Abrams: But the one, as Olivia was saying, we have very big dogs.

00:14:27.253 --> 00:14:29.333
Steve Abrams: The male dog is over 150 pounds.

00:14:29.673 --> 00:14:31.933
Steve Abrams: He's black brindled, a lot of real estate.

00:14:32.213 --> 00:14:36.133
Steve Abrams: There's just no way that I could find any individual tick on that dog.

00:14:36.533 --> 00:14:41.533
Steve Abrams: I mean, until I really have it crawling on my hand or I see it on his muzzle.

00:14:41.993 --> 00:14:47.753
Steve Abrams: So in a dog like that, we really are able to get a lot of that real estate covered with the mitt.

00:14:48.113 --> 00:14:54.053
Steve Abrams: And there are times where I found 20 or 30 and one or two swipes because they were in some bush that had a nest.

00:14:54.533 --> 00:15:01.193
Steve Abrams: And that's, you know, normally maybe you have one or two or three on a hike, but it could really be really nasty.

00:15:01.493 --> 00:15:07.433
Olivia Abrams: And I think in terms of our customers, there are two really great things that we continuously hear.

00:15:07.633 --> 00:15:24.613
Olivia Abrams: The first one is we will find customers who are afraid of going camping, are afraid of bringing their dog on a certain trail, are afraid of going on hikes because they are worried about their dog or themselves getting Lyme disease.

00:15:24.873 --> 00:15:32.333
Olivia Abrams: And after they use our Tick Mitt a couple of times, they have a new sense of confidence and freedom to venture back outside.

00:15:32.633 --> 00:15:41.713
Olivia Abrams: And it really alleviates anxiety and allows them to spend quality time with their pets that they weren't able to do before without worry.

00:15:42.013 --> 00:15:58.693
Olivia Abrams: And I think the second thing that we hear a lot is we're very involved in the Lyme disease community for people and pets, but specifically for people, a lot of people who have Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases like alpha-gal or Rocky Mountain spotted fever are now afraid of going outside.

00:15:58.713 --> 00:16:04.613
Olivia Abrams: They kind of have PTSD of being in the outdoors because that's where they were when they got so sick.

00:16:04.873 --> 00:16:12.973
Olivia Abrams: And by having Tick Mitt, they're now able to go back outside again without the worry because they're not scared of getting bit again.

00:16:12.993 --> 00:16:14.673
Michelle Fern: That is great.

00:16:14.713 --> 00:16:21.653
Michelle Fern: And I could definitely appreciate PTSD from other experiences I've had when you're in the same situation.

00:16:21.673 --> 00:16:24.153
Michelle Fern: It could be just hard buying.

00:16:24.473 --> 00:16:28.173
Michelle Fern: I also like that you give advice with your Tick Mitt.

00:16:28.193 --> 00:16:40.873
Michelle Fern: You know, you do preventative again, besides grabbing your Tick Mitt, avoiding certain areas that you know that there's an infestation and what humans should wear as far as pants and socks and long sleeve shirts.

00:16:41.193 --> 00:16:46.233
Michelle Fern: So for humans, tics go only to expose skin usually?

00:16:46.553 --> 00:16:57.273
Olivia Abrams: It's possible if you're not wearing tight clothes, the tics can crawl up your pants if you're not wearing tight socks, but a tick cannot crawl through your clothes.

00:16:57.293 --> 00:17:04.913
Olivia Abrams: So we do recommend that if you're going outside, it is safer to wear a longer sleeve shirt or long pants.

00:17:05.113 --> 00:17:09.633
Olivia Abrams: However, with The Tick Mitt, you don't have to be as worried as you would without it.

00:17:09.833 --> 00:17:14.493
Steve Abrams: Yeah, I mean, we own a farm upstate New York, and I'm in the woods a lot.

00:17:14.893 --> 00:17:19.053
Steve Abrams: And a lot of times I find them on my leg because they've crawled up the pants.

00:17:19.133 --> 00:17:21.993
Steve Abrams: I'm between the pants on the sock and up my leg.

00:17:22.273 --> 00:17:32.453
Steve Abrams: But to Olivia's point, I know on the instructions we say wear this and wear that, but we're really trying to do what we see is it gives you the freedom to not have to be that concerned.

00:17:32.853 --> 00:17:38.353
Steve Abrams: As long as you're diligent and vigilant, you'll find that you can have a lot of freedom with Tick Mitt.

00:17:38.473 --> 00:17:39.013
Michelle Fern: Thank you.

00:17:39.033 --> 00:17:50.593
Michelle Fern: What about those people that are thinking, that are listening and saying, well, you know, my dog is on flea and tick treatment, so I don't know if this is that much of a concern for me.

00:17:50.853 --> 00:17:55.953
Michelle Fern: And I know the Tick Mitt's preventative, but what would you say to people thinking that?

00:17:56.253 --> 00:17:57.453
Olivia Abrams: I think there are a few things.

00:17:57.613 --> 00:18:08.593
Olivia Abrams: I think the first one is chewable preventatives I think are a really great thing if you believe in the brand, because if your dog does get bit by a tick, it prevents the dog from getting sick.

00:18:08.953 --> 00:18:19.813
Olivia Abrams: However, with the chewable, it doesn't prevent the ticks from going on your dog in the first place, and that doesn't prevent the ticks from coming into your house or eventually getting you sick.

00:18:20.033 --> 00:18:24.673
Olivia Abrams: So even if your dog is on a chewable preventative, they're still bringing ticks into the home with you.

00:18:24.673 --> 00:18:32.773
Olivia Abrams: And if for some reason you're not afraid, of Lyme disease, which you should be, ticks are still disgusting, and I don't think anyone wants them in their house.

00:18:33.133 --> 00:18:37.373
Olivia Abrams: There are a lot of other products out there, like topicals or shampoos.

00:18:37.793 --> 00:18:40.693
Olivia Abrams: We try not to use chemicals on our dog.

00:18:40.713 --> 00:18:46.693
Olivia Abrams: There are no long-term studies as to how these chemicals affect our dog in the first place.

00:18:46.973 --> 00:18:56.073
Olivia Abrams: And even if they are completely safe, I don't want to have to pet my dog after putting a topical or a shampoo on it and then have all of that stuff on myself.

00:18:56.653 --> 00:19:01.193
Olivia Abrams: And having to wash my hands every 10 minutes, I just don't think it's very effective.

00:19:01.433 --> 00:19:08.493
Olivia Abrams: And a lot of people that we've spoken to recently are saying, you know, I'm using this chemical on my dog, and the ticks are still coming inside.

00:19:08.513 --> 00:19:09.833
Olivia Abrams: So it's really not working.

00:19:10.133 --> 00:19:13.393
Olivia Abrams: So I would say, continue doing whatever you're doing.

00:19:13.633 --> 00:19:15.293
Olivia Abrams: You should still have a Tick Mitt.

00:19:15.533 --> 00:19:20.313
Olivia Abrams: And if you want to change to a completely chemical-free regimen, this is a great place to start.

00:19:20.333 --> 00:19:25.593
Steve Abrams: And one of the things I would also add to that, I'm sure a lot of your listeners have pets, have kids.

00:19:26.093 --> 00:19:33.933
Steve Abrams: And we've run into a lot of people whose daughters are playing soccer and getting bit once or twice a year or bringing them into the home themselves.

00:19:34.393 --> 00:19:40.973
Steve Abrams: So, you know, it's not just for pets, even though it's a pet show, but everyone doesn't just have a pet.

00:19:41.053 --> 00:19:44.113
Steve Abrams: They also have family that they want protected also.

00:19:44.433 --> 00:19:48.653
Steve Abrams: And to Olivia's point, you know, they're pretty disgusting, and no one wants cockroaches in the house.

00:19:48.953 --> 00:19:53.553
Steve Abrams: And even if there's a preventative end or a cure, who wants them running around your house?

00:19:53.973 --> 00:19:55.073
Steve Abrams: It's pretty disgusting.

00:19:55.353 --> 00:19:56.033
Michelle Fern: Exactly.

00:19:56.073 --> 00:19:56.833
Michelle Fern: And it's funny.

00:19:56.853 --> 00:20:00.393
Michelle Fern: As you were talking about the dogs, I was thinking, and what about kids?

00:20:00.413 --> 00:20:03.473
Michelle Fern: You know, kids go over to place and get into everything.

00:20:03.693 --> 00:20:08.133
Olivia Abrams: And the kids are hugging the dog, and then the dog is passing the ticks on to the kid.

00:20:08.153 --> 00:20:11.913
Olivia Abrams: This will reduce that entire situation from happening.

00:20:12.313 --> 00:20:15.453
Michelle Fern: OK, so what about, are there any sizes?

00:20:15.473 --> 00:20:18.253
Michelle Fern: Like, what if you have tiny hands or gigantic hands?

00:20:18.693 --> 00:20:19.393
Michelle Fern: Does it matter?

00:20:19.413 --> 00:20:20.973
Olivia Abrams: No, it's one size fits all.

00:20:21.473 --> 00:20:22.993
Steve Abrams: Yeah, it fits pretty much everyone.

00:20:23.013 --> 00:20:25.293
Steve Abrams: You'd have to be very, very small.

00:20:25.313 --> 00:20:27.593
Steve Abrams: I wouldn't give it to a four-year-old and ask them to do it.

00:20:27.793 --> 00:20:30.593
Steve Abrams: And I'm sure there's a few guys out there that have very large hands.

00:20:30.613 --> 00:20:32.813
Steve Abrams: Other than that, I think everyone's covered.

00:20:33.513 --> 00:20:39.573
Michelle Fern: So if you're not a gigantic football or basketball player that's really big, then in most cases, it'll work OK.

00:20:39.593 --> 00:20:42.113
Steve Abrams: Yeah, and then you just have to hold the mitt in your hand.

00:20:42.133 --> 00:20:43.593
Steve Abrams: You don't have to put your hand into the mitt.

00:20:43.613 --> 00:20:47.353
Steve Abrams: You can still wipe with the same motion, so it shouldn't be an issue.

00:20:47.573 --> 00:20:49.393
Michelle Fern: OK, what about care for the mitt?

00:20:49.613 --> 00:20:51.133
Michelle Fern: We know that you kill them with...

00:20:51.313 --> 00:20:52.773
Michelle Fern: You recommend the dryer.

00:20:52.993 --> 00:20:56.833
Michelle Fern: If somebody doesn't have a dryer, what is another way to...

00:20:56.853 --> 00:20:58.173
Michelle Fern: I know you said alcohol, so...

00:20:58.313 --> 00:21:15.753
Olivia Abrams: Yeah, so if you don't have a dryer, what I would recommend is having a little jar of alcohol, and with the same tweezers that you're using to remove an embedded tic, you can just take the tics off of the mitt and throw them in the little jar of alcohol to kill them, or you can flush them down the toilet, up to you.

00:21:16.153 --> 00:21:23.753
Olivia Abrams: And the tic mitt is machine washable, so you could throw it in the washer dryer, or you can hand wash it with soap and water and air dry it.

00:21:24.053 --> 00:21:31.453
Steve Abrams: And I would say if you end up just picking them off and putting them down the drain, make sure you run your water for about 30 seconds or more, because they will crawl back up.

00:21:31.653 --> 00:21:32.793
Steve Abrams: Hearty little guys there.

00:21:32.893 --> 00:21:34.253
Michelle Fern: You guys sure know tics.

00:21:34.413 --> 00:21:37.673
Michelle Fern: So, Olivia, you mentioned you do charitable work as well.

00:21:37.693 --> 00:21:38.993
Michelle Fern: Can you tell us a little about that?

00:21:39.273 --> 00:22:02.473
Olivia Abrams: Yeah, so my dad and I serve on the board of Project Lime, which is a Lyme disease charity in the United States, and really their mission is to raise money to educate people on the importance of doing tic checks, on helping people receive treatment for Lyme disease, and also putting a lot of money towards research on trying to improve diagnostic tests and finding a cure.

00:22:02.673 --> 00:22:13.053
Olivia Abrams: So we work really closely with them to provide tic mitts to people who already have Lyme disease and are afraid of going outside, creating events to raise awareness and to raise funds.

00:22:14.373 --> 00:22:17.153
Michelle Fern: Is there anything good about tics in the ecosystem?

00:22:17.653 --> 00:22:24.933
Olivia Abrams: Possums and chickens really like to eat them, but other than that, there really is not anything good about tics.

00:22:25.313 --> 00:22:29.293
Steve Abrams: Well, I would say the only good thing I would say about tics is it helped us create a business.

00:22:29.813 --> 00:22:32.053
Steve Abrams: Other than that, I can't think of anything worth...

00:22:32.113 --> 00:22:34.073
Michelle Fern: It wouldn't be bad if they just disappeared.

00:22:34.233 --> 00:22:35.553
Olivia Abrams: That would be a great thing.

00:22:35.653 --> 00:22:36.633
Michelle Fern: Yeah, with Lyme disease.

00:22:36.653 --> 00:22:41.573
Olivia Abrams: We would be out of business, but we would be fulfilling our mission of using cases of Lyme disease.

00:22:41.773 --> 00:22:45.733
Michelle Fern: Then you could create something else, but chances are that it's not going to happen.

00:22:45.953 --> 00:22:47.613
Michelle Fern: Where can people buy The Tick Mitt?

00:22:47.813 --> 00:22:57.133
Olivia Abrams: You can buy The Tick Mitt on our website at tickmitt.com, tickmitt.com, and we're also available on Amazon.

00:22:57.473 --> 00:23:03.713
Steve Abrams: And on Tractor Supply website, and we will be in retail stores by midsummer, I believe.

00:23:03.973 --> 00:23:09.153
Michelle Fern: Okay, I want to thank you both for coming on Best Bets for Pets and telling us all about The Tick Mitt.

00:23:09.393 --> 00:23:10.553
Michelle Fern: Thank you so much.

00:23:10.773 --> 00:23:11.453
Olivia Abrams: Thank you.

00:23:12.253 --> 00:23:13.993
Michelle Fern: I hope you guys enjoyed the show.

00:23:14.173 --> 00:23:21.073
Michelle Fern: Remember, ticks can be anywhere, and The Tick Mitt is a great product for being preventative about ticks.

00:23:21.093 --> 00:23:24.233
Michelle Fern: Because, ew, who wants these things in your home, right?

00:23:24.293 --> 00:23:26.473
Michelle Fern: On your pet, on you, on your kids.

00:23:27.493 --> 00:23:34.553
Michelle Fern: So thank you so much, Olivia and Steve Abrams, for telling us about The Tick Mitt and creating such an amazing product.

00:23:34.913 --> 00:23:38.653
Michelle Fern: Thanks to my pest crew, Molly, Charlotte and Dennis.

00:23:38.953 --> 00:23:42.533
Michelle Fern: They're cats, they're indoors, so they don't get ticks.

00:23:42.653 --> 00:23:46.233
Michelle Fern: But on me, I will be using The Tick Mitt, and I did use it.

00:23:46.493 --> 00:23:50.613
Michelle Fern: It's so handy, it's just such a great, valuable product to have.

00:23:51.073 --> 00:23:53.613
Michelle Fern: And I want to thank, of course, my listening audience.

00:23:53.633 --> 00:23:58.573
Michelle Fern: Thank you so much for listening to all the amazing shows we have on Best Bets for Pets.

00:23:58.953 --> 00:24:03.633
Michelle Fern: And of course, thank you to my producer, Mark Winter, for making me and my guests sound amazing.

00:24:03.933 --> 00:24:07.773
Michelle Fern: And hey, you never know what we're going to have next on Best Bets for Pets.

00:24:08.853 --> 00:24:09.913
Announcer: Let's Talk Pets.

00:24:10.313 --> 00:24:11.833
Announcer: Every week on demand.

00:24:12.293 --> 00:24:14.873
Announcer: Only on petliferadio.com