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Love That Dog Hollywood  on Pet Life RadioAddie Daddio on Pet Life Radio

.............................Addie Daddio

Addie Daddio

Loves Dogs. Loves Music. Loves Life. Loves.

Addie Daddio (Yeah….it’s her real name!) – On Air Personality, Actor and Animal Activist makes her home in the City of Angels but will always be a New York City Girl. Daddio has chatted up terrestrial airwaves with music and talk during morning and afternoon drive times in her hometown. Daddio’s love for saving animals started as a child.  When she moved to Los Angeles, she found Jake Daddio on the streets of LA. He had been beaten, kicked in the face, couldn’t lift his head and had broken and fused bones throughout his body.  He was filthy, starving and in enormous pain. It was love at first sight.  This inseparable duo shared 5 short years together, but in those 5 years both Jake Daddio and Addie Daddio learned that love and trust go hand to paw.

They shared a bond that transcended most beings – the American Dingo and the Daddio. His “wild dog” nature and instincts were unique and always on the mark.  He had NYC street smarts and grew to know love and a happy life.  His early years of abuse caused his body to give out too soon, but his heart, soul and spirit live on in Daddio and her rescue and animal charity work.  With co-creator Alan Singer, Addie Daddio created Love that Dog Hollywood! The Event so that dogs like Jake would be found, cared for and loved. Daddio’s heart for animals and people brings her back to the airwaves with Love that Dog Hollywood! The Radio Show. Love that Dog Hollywood!

The Event and Radio Show are dedicated to bringing together Loving voices to generate awareness, fosters, volunteers, donations and conversation to help shelter and rescue animals find safe, loving, forever homes. Our community shares the belief that the power of love changes the hearts and lives of all beings – animal and human. Join with us. Share the Love. Save a Life.

Addie Daddio on Pet Life Radio

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