Strange And Wonderful Cat Breeds

Deborah Wolfe on Pet Life Radio

Dusty Rainbolt, Author of  ‘Cat Wrangling Made Easy' (& many others) joins Deborah Wolfe to discuss strange and wonderful cat breeds.  Have you wondered about the exotic breeds of cats or maybe you think a Serval cat is right for you ? Deborah explains why a Serval cat is a nightmare for most people. Did you know their poops are triple the size of normal cats, and they need a gigantic litter box which they may not use!

And there is more. …listen to the show to find out just how primitive these Serval cats are and how ill suited as pets.  Today’s show tells the truth about the different breeds; which cats are known to be quiet, which are needy, and which need a lot of care.  Persians, Turkish Vans, Main Coon, Bengals, and Abyssinian cats are discussed in comparison to other pedigreed cats including the common domestic shorthaired tabby. 

Dusty explains that behaviour is of course connected to the individual animal and its upbringing especially early on, but that still there are some facts about the breeds that hold true. If you don’t want to brush your cat every day…. don’t get a Persian!   A Persian cat that is not properly brushed every day often becomes a cat in pain and then a cat who is difficult for the owners.  Deb and Dusty also cover how to select a kitten or puppy and cover the important steps of early socialization.

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Dusty Rainbolt is an award-winning cat behavior author. She released her latest book, Cat Scene Investigator: Solve Your Cat’s Litter Box Mystery, to help people resolve their cat's litter box avoidance. She's also author of Kittens for DummiesCat Wrangling Made Easy: Maintaining Peace & Sanity in Your Multicat Home and Ghost Cats: Human Encounters with Feline Spirits. She also penned the paranormal mystery, Death Under the Crescent Moon. Her scifi fans know Dusty for her comedy novel All the Marbles and as coauthor of the outrageous Four Redheads of the Apocalypse fantasy series.

Dusty is past president of the Cat Writers’ Association. Since joining CWA in 1995, her books, columns, reviews and articles have been honored with more than 50 writing awards including being named Friskies Writer of the Year three times. Her articles and columns regularly appear on and in other print and online publications.

Magazine and Puppy and Dog Basics, among others.