K9s for Warriors and Merrick Pet Care: People Helping Dogs, Dogs Helping Heroes

Megan Blake on Pet Life Radio

K9s for Warriors is the most unique and fabulous Service Dog Training Facility around.  On this beautiful 14 acres lies a brand new state of the art sanctuary, designed to train service dogs and to invite our military men and women veterans to stay there for weeks - to be paired and trained for their new service dog who will help them deal with Post Traumatic Stress from war and equip them to re-enter the world.  K9’s for Warriors was founded by Shari Duval and is aided by the gracious support of Merrick Pet Care, North America’s largest Natural Dog Food brand.  Join us as Shari Duval and Merrick’s Pete Brace lead us on this world-changing and life affirming Super Smiley Adventure!

K9s for Warriors on Pet Life Radio


Shari Duval