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Eric Brad

The Crossover Files – Considering Positive Dog Training

Coming to Positive Reinforcement training from more traditional methods is called “crossing over.”  It’s not easy to cross over from more familiar and socially accepted forms of dog training.  There are lots of reasons not to consider it.  But many do.  In this series, Eric Brad looks at what it takes to ‘cross over.’  Change is difficult and frustrating and something most of avoid if at all possible.

My own life circumstances made reconsidering my dog training approach unavoidable.  But for most dog owners, what they have always done has always seemed to work.  Well enough, anyway, or at the very least it got results.  But what if you could get what you have now with half the effort?  What if you could change the way you worked with your dog and it made life better for you and your dog?  Would it be worth a little work now for an easier life later?  It’s up to you.  It’s seems an easy choice to me.

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