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Talkin' PetsJon Patch, host of Talkin' Pets

(scroll down for episodes)..........................................................Jon Patch
Talkin' Pets Show Host

Gifts of the Crow

Tony Angell on Pet Life Radio..........

Tony Angell ......................


Jon Patch welcomes Tony Angell, master artist and one of the authors of Gifts of the Crow.  Crows are mischievous, playful, social, and passionate. They have brains that are huge for their body size and exhibit an avian kind of eloquence. They mate for life and associate with relatives and neighbors for years. And because they often live near people—in our gardens, parks, and cities—they are also keenly aware of our peculiarities, staying away from and even scolding anyone who threatens or harms them and quickly learning to recognize and approach those who care for and feed them, even giving them numerous, oddly touching gifts in return. 

With its abundance of funny, awe-inspiring, and poignant stories, Gifts of the Crow portrays creatures who are nothing short of amazing. A testament to years of painstaking research and careful observation, this fully illustrated, riveting work is a thrilling look at one of nature’s most wondrous creatures.

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